Clean Touch at Clean Conference, London, June 2014

We will be presenting a session at this year’s International Clean Conference, 6-8 June, at University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY.  Tickets, programme & info at:


Expanding Facilitation with Clean Touch

Saturday 7th June, 11.45 – 13.00, Room 3E,  this workshop is for people with some experience of Clean Language.

We will present our latest developments of Clean Touch:

  • Exploring the dynamics of working with a co-facilitator when using touch and Clean Language with a client, and of receiving from two facilitators – how this accesses the metaphors and movement of your body in an empowering new way
  • Exploring the relationship between client’s information, your own expertise and intuition


The aim/outcome/benefits of this session is:

  • Participants will gain first-hand experience of Clean Touch – giving and receiving.
  • A practical, innovative, refreshing, relaxing session.
  • An excellent opportunity to become aware of the boundaries of your own sense of knowing, interpretation and response. Transferrable to other contexts.

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