Category Archives: Workshops

NEWS: Interconnected Practices: One and Two Day Workshops. 14th & 15th April 2018, Wincanton Somerset.

Two days of complementary practices for experiential learning and self-discovery. In the Saturday workshop we will be developing sensory awareness and interconnectedness through the exquisite exercises of Deep Listening® and The Naked Voice. We will experience gentle energy movements, mantra and mudras, attention to our environment, mindful walk practices, dream and voice-work. On Sunday we will be listening to the body in a shared dialogue of safe, non-intrusive Clean Touch, as we discover ways of deep body wisdom communication through the magic of metaphor.

The workshops can be taken separately, or together for the very best experience of interconnected practices.

All welcome: no prior experience necessary. Maximum group size of 10.

Cost £50/day (concessions – please ask) or £45 early-bird if paid by end of March.

For booking, directions to the workshop, and questions, contact:

Please bring delicious food to share for a vegetarian lunch. Soup, tea, coffee & tisanes will be provided. Onsite B&B Accommodation available  – please ask.


Saturday 14th April:  LISTEN – SOUND – MOVE  A Day of Interweaving Practices from DEEP LISTENING® and THE NAKED VOICE

The workshop will bring together practices from both of these extraordinary rich and deep transformative bodies of work. We will explore the interconnectedness of sound and movement, listening, stillness, silence, voice, self and community. No previous experience is necessary. Please bring a journal and optional cushion or blanket.

Deep Listening®, developed over forty years by American composer Pauline Oliveros, is a way of listening ‘in every possible way to everything possible to hear no matter what you are doing.  Such intense listening includes the sounds of daily life, of nature, of one’s own thoughts as well as musical sounds’. Through a process of inner and outer listening, you will be guided to experience global and focal listening, noticing your body and bringing your dreams to consciousness, to expand your awareness of sound as it travels in time and space, encountering many possible audible forms beyond ordinary sound perceptions in daily life.

The Naked Voice is ‘your original voice, fully-embodied, naturally-expressed, and free of self-consciousness. It is your authentic sound, as unique as your DNA or fingerprint’, and can be explored and catalysed with the vocal practices focused in over thirty years research by founder Chloë Goodchild, integrated with energy practices and mudras from the movement art-form Shintaido (meaning ‘new body way’).

Inês R. Amado is an artist, curator and researcher. ‘My interests are in art and activities that connect people; different areas of society that all have something to say. We are all interdependent and interconnected, to strengthen and underpin that, most of my work relies on connectivity, collaboration and participation, whist focusing the individual I question the collective.’

Inês has a long experience of running academic courses, workshops and intensive classes, which explore a range of integrated practices and methods that can open and develop insight and bridge the gap between knowledge and consciousness. She holds a certificate in Deep Listening® and is a founding member of Deep Listening® in the UK.

Jackie Calderwood is a media artist, researcher, facilitator, holistic practitioner and creative consultant and has been working with the Naked Voice practices for four years. She is training as a facilitator of the Naked Voice and has assisted founder Chloë Goodchild on retreats in Canada and Gloucestershire. Jackie holds a fortnightly Naked Voice practice group in Wincanton.

Cost £50/day (concessions – please ask) or £45 early-bird if paid by end of March.

For booking, directions to the workshop, and questions, contact:

Please bring delicious food to share for a vegetarian lunch. Soup, tea, coffee & tisanes will be provided. Onsite B&B Accommodation available  – please ask.


Sunday 15th April: CLEAN TOUCH Day Workshop

Clean Touch is a process that invites a client (or receiver of touch) to access their body’s wisdom through the creation of metaphor in a shared dialogue of giving and receiving touch, using specialised questions drawn from David Grove’s Clean Language alongside techniques from massage and guided meditation/mindfulness. Clean Touch is always different and unique to the person at that moment. Working with touch, embodied metaphor and Clean Language enables a dialogue that is completely focused on the needs of the individual’s system and opens the door for rich multisensory communication; facilitating relaxation, greater self-knowledge and potential change.

Jeni Edge and Jackie Calderwood are both experienced Clean facilitators and massage practitioners. Clean Touch is the result of their exploration of using Clean with massage,  and then adapting their process for non-specialists to use, through clothing, in a safe communal learning environment. They presented the first workshop on Clean Touch at the International Clean Conference, London in 2013 and continue to innovate and share new ways of working in workshops and private sessions. Jackie is a Reiki Master Teacher and EMF Balancing Technique™ practitioner, she draws on a holistic approach to wellbeing and the use of Clean in her recent doctoral research and her art practice. Jeni is a psychotherapist, with a private practice in Somerset and Bristol.

For more about the experience of learning Clean Touch, and ‘how to ask questions your body can answer’ – using Clean with a range of bodywork practices – we recommend Nick Pole’s excellent book Words that Touch, 2017.

Jeni and Jackie will be offering a day workshop of Clean Touch, suitable for any level of experience, in Wincanton, Somerset on Sunday 15th April. Arrive from 10am for 10.30 start, finishing at 4.30pm. Expect a relaxing, insightful and energising day with lots of practical tools to take away and use with friends, family, clients – or just to enjoy for yourself!

The workshop will include:

  • an introduction to Clean Language, Clean Space and Emergent Knowledge as we use them in Clean Touch.
  • relaxing guided meditation to deepen your own awareness and explore self-touch through the magic of metaphor.
  • demonstrations, practice and discussion exploring Clean Touch as a giver and receiver of touch working with your own body, sharing with another, and the dynamic movement of working with two or more facilitators.

Clean Touch can be used alongside other forms of bodywork, therapy and expressive arts: and can be given and received without the need to remove clothing.


Cost £50/day (concessions – please ask) or £45 early-bird if paid by end of March.

For booking, directions to the workshop, and questions, contact:

Please bring delicious food to share for a vegetarian lunch. Soup, tea, coffee & tisanes will be provided. Onsite B&B Accommodation available  – please ask.




Metaphorum2 Session Outline: Today 9pm

Touching Without Touch

Session Outline for Metaphorum2, 31st March 2017

  • Introduction
  • Guided relaxation session for introduction to self-touch
  • Demo and brief for breakout activity
  • Breakout activity 1 with swap
  • Quick feedback from activity and brief for second activity
  • Breakout experimental activity 2 with swap
  • Group discussion
  • Closing


Suggested Questions for Breakout Activities:

  • and are you where you need to be?
  • and that place that would like to receive touch…and what kind of touch would that place like to receive?
  • and can you touch that place with a touch like that? ( and if not….. can you imagine?)
  • and what’s happening now?
  • and as X, then what happens?
  • and is there anything else about X?
  • and what kind of X is that X?
  • And as we’re bringing this session to a close, would that be an OK place to stop for now?


References for Discussion Input:

“The intersubjective process of psychotherapy is more important than the content.” Erskine, R. Eight Principles of Psychotherapy (2017)


Transference in this sense is the predisposition to particular relational patterns that are carried from situation to situation. The other person is not freely met as if for the first time. It is more as if the other person is met through a screen on which the person is projecting his or her particular film. To the extent that such transference is ‘updated’ to the new situation, it can be seen as a functional adaptation.”   Clarkson (2003)


Counter-transference: Clarkson (2003)

  • Complementary:  ‘response which would complete or be complementary to the real or fantasised projection of the patient’s …(x)’
  • Concordant:  ‘Aeolian harp response’
  • Proactive:  ‘what the therapist brings’
  • Reactive:  ‘that to which the therapist reacts in the patient…not necessarily a version of the therapist’s issues.

Workshop Booking Open: 27th September, Central London

Clean Touch:  Integrating Clean Language, Massage and Bodywork

A one-day workshop with Jackie Calderwood and Jeni Edge

Resource for London 
356 Holloway Rd
N7 6PA London
Friday, 27 September 2013 from 09:30 to 17:00

(registration from 9.00 am)

Cost: £75.00 

Book online here

Having had a great response to Clean Touch workshops at The International Clean Language Conference, London and Northern Taste of Clean 2013, this is the first one day workshop exploring the integration of Clean Language, Massage and Bodywork.

Clean Touch is a process that invites a client to access their body’s wisdom through the creation of metaphor in a shared dialogue of giving and receiving touch.

The day will involve a refreshing mix of background information, guided meditations, exercises, demos, and practical experience to develop the skills of Clean Touch.  The workshop will take place in a safe environment with all practical exercises taking place through clothing.

No previous experience of Clean Language, Massage or Bodywork is required as the workshop will integrate the essentials whilst learning new techniques and will be tailored to all abilities.

This Clean Touch workshop will offer transferable ways to:

  • Learn a rich way to develop rapport with clients
  • Combine the verbal, physical and metaphorical in a way that opens up a new space for communication on different levels
  • Integrate a playful, inquisitive wonder and curiosity applicable to any kind of practice in bodywork and beyond
  • Experience the inner wisdom of your body expressed through metaphor and movement. Learn a language of communicating through touch
  • Experience giving and receiving Clean Touch on your own, in pairs and as part of a group
  • Explore your own personal development and the way you invite touch into your life
  • Learn how to facilitate a client’s greater awareness, active involvement and agency during a bodywork session
  • Expand your thinking about your own practice, whatever that may be


Book online through eventbrite  or contact us:

jeniedge  [at]

jackie.calderwood [at]

Concessions available: please contact us for more details.


About Clean Language:

Clean Language is a technique developed by counselling psychologist David Grove which is now used around the world by coaches and therapists, as well as in business, research and education. The process uses the client’s own self-generated metaphors which are elicited through asking ‘clean’ questions that do not impose any values, judgements or beliefs onto the client’s way of viewing their stuff. David Grove and others have discovered that metaphors seem to have a deep connection with how we think about the world and our place in it, therefore working with metaphor in this way can evoke very powerful healing and change. He believed that client’s have the knowledge and ability in their own ‘system’ to overcome many of the challenges and difficulties in life, the role of the facilitator is to help bring that into greater awareness through the use of metaphor.
This is a very brief introduction into Clean Language and there are two good websites with more information about Clean Language, Systemic Modelling and later developments by David Grove such as Emergent Knowledge:

Session at the International Clean Conference 2013, Central London

Clean Touch: Sunday 12th May, 10.30-11.30am.

With: Jeni Edge and Jackie Calderwood

Level of Clean Experience required: some

The session will share practical exercises from our explorations with Body massage, using inspiration from Clean Language, Clean Space, Emergent Knowledge and Caitlin Walker’s Clean Setup.  Working in pairs with simple guided hand, foot or back massage (through clothing). Safe and supportive session in which to explore movement and stillness, spoken word and the listening touch, mind and body responses.

Participants will leave with:

  • First-hand experience of Clean Touch – giving and receiving.
  • An opportunity to explore relationships of body-mind perception through language and touch.
  • The chance to relax, observe and learn from your body’s inner wisdom.
  • Discoveries about how metaphor and massage may combine.
Speakers’ Biographies:

Jackie Calderwood  is an artist and researcher, working with people, landscape, media and technology. Thanks to Clean Change training Jackie explores Clean throughout her research practice. Since training in holistic massage (MT1,1992) she has practiced bodywork professionally, taught and created massage-inspired artworks.

Jeni Edge is a human and equine masseur who started exploring clean massage whilst attending workshops with Caitlin Walker, David Grove and Penny and James Lawley in Hull.  She is currently study Psychotherapy with Beeleaf and working in an Independent Girls School in Wilshire as one of the equestrian yard managers.