Feedback & Comments

On this page you can read comments and feedback from participants of our workshops, starting with the most recent. Please have a look through to get a feel for what people are saying about Clean Touch. It is a unique experience, different to every person, situation, time, facilitation.

Responses from participants at the Clean Touch: Metaphors of the Body and Mind workshop for the York Clean Language Practice Group, at Miller’s Yard Positive Living Centre, York, 23rd November 2013. We asked for reflections and feedback, at the end of the day, about the workshop, people’s learning, what they would do next with what they experienced, tips for us to tell others about Clean Touch, and tips for us when running workshops. Here are their responses:

What was the best thing that happened…

“Seeing how beautifully powerful the effect of combining CL & touch can be – both in watching the demos and having a chance to have a go ourselves. The way in which you work together so seamlessly / in harmony.”

“2 on 1 experience! Excellent tuition, well planned exercises and Q&A.”

“Working in 3’s. Being a model.”

“Observing (..) as she was facilitated in Clean Touch in ‘oak tree’. It demonstrated how Clean Touch can assist where no physical ‘niggle’ exists”

“Watching the facilitated session 2 on 1”

“Working 2 on 1 and using movement. Watching demos and working with different people.”

“It was great to try things out – experiential learning. A lovely compliment to other treatments/therapies – and can stand in its own right.”

And with what you’ve experienced today, what do you know now/ what happens next for you?

“May be able to invite more touch into my life in the way I would like it to be.”

“I can do it!! And I absolutely love using Clean Touch – it is so respectful, responsive and creative. I’m going to get together with other participants to practice Clean Touch, have fun practising with friends and family. Once I’ve done that I’m going to explore my insurance to practice Clean Touch with clients.”

“Broaden even more my awareness of the power of Clean and the power of ‘gentle touch’.”

“I can do this! And keep in touch with those who are doing this.. get a group of friends together to practice, read up and practice with clients.”

“I guess it’s homing in on embodied cognition / body’s inner wisdom…. Find ways of putting Clean Touch into practice.”

“Another way to use Clean and bodywork. ..Play with ‘stuff’ we used today, particularly the set-up. Asking a body ‘bit’ what it knows about another body bit.”

“That I could use touch / movement in my coaching and supervision. ..Practice and explore more. ..To live being more playful.”

What should/could we tell people thinking of coming to a Clean Touch workshop or session?

“Go along with an open mind and you’ll be amazed.”

“It’s a wonderful fairground – a few great rides, I feel exhilarated (yet releasing) – I can get back on, too!”

“Bring warm socks”

“And now for something completely different… and you are in charge of you.”

“You’re in for a wonderful treat – prepare to be very pleasantly surprised, even if you can’t quite imagine what it might be all about!”

Tips for us running events…

“I loved how you used the Clean set up to set the scene for touch. Thankyou for a lovely warm inclusive day.”

“Would have liked a longer day… but I’m greedy for more! Thankyou – you are a fab team.”

“I wanted to get at it and talk less before the first demo – it got ‘heady’ and maybe the ‘doing’ releases the ‘fear of doing’ that talking doesn’t?”

“I thought the timing, pacing, structure, sense of safety worked wonderfully.”



We asked participants at the Clean Touch day workshop in London, 27th September 2013, if there was something that it would be useful for us to tell people coming to a Clean Touch workshop or session. Here are their responses:

“It can apply and be useful to all disciplines, roles and personal things, so useful for all.”

“Come with an open mind, curiosity and playfulness…It might help open new ways of perceiving yourself.”

“It will be a great experiential time to being in the present moment (with yourself and your clients).”

“People coming .. need to know what a clean touch isn’t.  I am new to clean questioning  so I didn’t really have a concept of what clean touch was – so I would say it isn’t anything to do with massage, per se.  However, it gently encourages the body’s memories to heal through the use of metaphor and clean questioning and a curious facilitator.  You don’t have to know about clean language to do clean touch.”

And here are some of their comments about the day:

The best thing that happened was “that I was able to shift something that I had not even thought about in years!  My body remembered a time which I was able to gain understanding from and it in the here and now and it was released – it was wonderful.”

“You don’t really need to ‘know’ Clean Language questions in depth to make a difference. The initial questions are enough to begin with to make powerful changes. Keeping it simple is actually more useful.”

“Useful and good insights into my own healing process. I will experiment more with it with my clients and classes.”

“My back got relaxed in the process of touch and with a metaphor, I peeked deeper into my relationship with my own metaphor reality. Clean doesn’t end with language, neither space – new horizons of application.”

“What I know now… trust in the process.”

The best thing that happened… “learning to listen to patient’s body. Group activity at the end was great.”

“Provoked thoughts and ideas. Interesting.”

The best thing that happened…”that it was.”

“A gathering together for the first time of a group of us all interested in taking Clean Touch further.”

“I really enjoyed coming…  I met some lovely people and hope I am able to come to some more in the future.”

End-of-session comments from participants at the International Clean Conference session:

“A beautifully genuine session so simply thought-provoking thank you.”

“Wonderful, timeless we need more.”

“Outstanding what a different experience, I have learnt so much, and now have a resource that will stick and grow and inform the rest of my body.”

“Fabulous application of Clean – original and a great session.”

“Fabulous 1 to 1 exercise. Look forward to applying in healing.”

“Top marks for innovation.”

“Wonderful, relaxing and calming; use of Clean was intruiging and very effecitve – mind / body connection tangible at energetic level through touch.”

“Fabulous fabulous fabulous, more time needed to enjoy it even more but beautifully done, thank you.”

“What a beautiful way to get into a good and deep touch with my own and the other person’s body – and body field. Go on doing what you do.”

Thankyou to all those attending our workshops and sessions for your contributions – presence, engagement and dialogue. Thanks to those who have given permission for us to share their comments with others. We hope it gives you a taste of what Clean Touch can be and encourages you to try it out and join in the dialogue. If you would like to contribute, please contact us:

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