Jackie Calderwood is an artist and researcher, integrating Clean in her doctoral research. She has completed basic certification, advanced practitioner and trainer training with Clean Change company. Jackie trained in holistic massage (MT1,1992), Reiki and EMF Balancing Technique (R), teaching and running a professional practice for many years. Jackie has created bodywork-inspired artworks and currently specialises in interactive community artworks with people, media, landscape and technology.
Jeni Edge is a human and equine masseur who started exploring Clean Massage whilst attending workshops with Caitlin Walker, David Grove and Penny Tompkins and James Lawley in Hull. Jeni is an NLP Master Practitioner and is currently studying Psychotherapy with Beeleaf and working in an Independent Girls School in Wilshire as one of the equestrian yard managers.
Sessions and Workshops:
Jackie and Jeni are available for 2:1 and 1:1 sessions, in person or by skype (yes, it’s possible!). We’d be delighted to run a workshop for you, whether you have Clean Language and/or bodywork experience or not… we will adapt the workshop to the context and experience of those present.
Contact us:
jackie.calderwood [at] btopenworld.com and jeniedge [at] yahoo.co.uk